Stem cells for cervical spondylosis treatment – the “secret” to maintaining long-term health

Cell therapy for cervical spondylosis is a new treatment that brings optimal effects to help patients overcome pain and dangerous complications. In Vietnam, converging the world’s medical elite along with owning medical equipment with modern technology from Europe, European Wellness Vietnam brings to Vietnamese people the treatment of cervical spondylosis with cell therapy, not only restoring comprehensive health but also maintaining that health in a long-term way, enhance and improve the quality of life.

What is cervical spondylosis? Who is susceptible to cervical spondylosis?

Cervical spondylosis is a chronic disease with symptoms of aches and pains that spread from the neck down to the sides of the shoulder blades. Patients always feel like there is a needle acting continuously along the neck and shoulders of the neck and neck with the level increasing over time due to arthritis, joint cracks, cartilage rupture …


Cervical spondylosis is very common and worsens with age

Usually, cervical spondylosis appears only in middle age and appears almost exclusively in people over 60 years old. But in recent years, this disease has been showing signs of rejuvenation. Under 40 is the age most susceptible to cervical spondylosis, especially men. To thoroughly treat cervical spondylosis is not easy because this disease silently destroys cartilage musculoskeletal cells for a long period of time before there are obvious symptoms.


Cervical spondylosis occurs in both men and women

According to statistics, the older the person, the greater the risk of cervical spondylosis, ranging from 40 to 50 years old. Among them, the symptoms that appear at this age account for only about 50%. Cervical spondylosis exercises, tips for treating cervical vertebrae with male medicine or yoga exercises for cervical spondylosis are considered benign treatments, not capable of deeply affecting each damaged, aging cell. Therefore, the effectiveness of these methods is not high.

Common causes and symptoms of cervical spondylosis

Causes and pathogenesis of cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis is caused by age problems and the aging of cells inside the body. Onset begins with bacterial infection of cartilage organization, joint organization, disorders of the cellular immune response and a number of other environmental factors such as being subjected to high work pressure overloads over a long period of time.


Cervical spondylosis will cause many dangerous complications if not promptly treated

Cervical spondylosis leaves dangerous complications if treatment is not known

Cervical spondylosis only proceeds silently. In the long run, when the signs of pain and stiffness occur more, your body is ringing an alarm bell, telling you that the cells inside the body are no longer capable of resisting the invasion of free radicals, the ability of DNA sequences to self-transform, oxidation, differentiation of mitochondria,…

Common symptoms of cervical spondylosis

Cervical spondylosis consists of the following 4 symptoms:

  • The cervical spine begins to appear pains, prolonged spasticity in a straight neck position, tilts the head, bows the head; On cold weather days, the pain around the neck and shoulder area increases sharply, causing stress, fatigue, and disadvantage during movement of the cervical spine.
  • Cervical spondylosis has a heavy impact on the cervical nerve roots. At the sites where the nerve roots are damaged, the patient may have a crawling sensation, the painful muscles in the shoulder area create a prolonged stinging sensation, spreading down to the arms and fingers.
  • The feeling of skeletal muscles as if there is a strong force causing pain or when sitting for a long time, sneezing, there is a spasmodic, painful pain accompanied by symptoms of dizziness. More dangerous makes it difficult to walk, weak, muscle atrophy,…
  • Depending on the age and degree of recovery of the cartilaginous musculoskeletal muscle, cervical spondylosis causes myelosuppression syndrome, causing unsteady gait, not straight, even paralysis of the limbs.
  • Other symptoms: fatigue, nervousness, irritability, insomnia, lack of concentration, decreased work performance,…

Cervical spondylosis causes affects other skeletal muscles

Warning of cervical spondylosis complications if not treated early

It is necessary to examine and evaluate the extent of cervical spondylosis with advanced and modern medical methods to minimize the following cervical spondylosis complications:

  • Bone spurs develop causing deformation of the cervical vertebrae, hardening of the cervical vertebrae.
  • Compression of nerve roots leads to myelodysamy, myelosuppression syndrome causes loss of the physiological curve of the cervical vertebrae, difficulty in movement, especially crouching and supine positions.
  • Bone pain due to cervical spondylosis anemia and difficulty swallowing due to pinched esophagus and the effects of bone spurs.
  • Depending on the location of the damaged cervical vertebrae, cervical spondylosis leaves complications of limb atrophy and limb paralysis,..

How can stem cells treat cervical spondylosis?

Cervical spondylosis is the loss and death of articular cartilage cells, the more cells die, the easier it will be to inflame at that location. As age gets older, the ability of cells to metabolize and proliferate decreases because not only does age age, stem cells also age over time. The death of the cells makes the process of regenerating articular cartilage in the cervical vertebrae also more difficult.


Stem cells are an effective treatment for cervical spondylosis

There are many tools and methods to support the treatment of cervical spondylosis, but most do not treat it thoroughly. Successfully applying the medical foundation from Europe, regenerative medicine offers extremely effective cell therapy for cervical spondylosis:

  • Stem cells when entering the body will move to the site of damaged cervical vertebrae, lose cartilage to divide, differentiate and stimulate proliferation, create articular cartilage, restore joint function to dangerous and unpredictable complications.
  • New stem cells help awaken and repair, creating new cartilage bone organization that causes cervical vertebral cartilage degeneration faster and more efficiently.
  • Stem cells help limit the weakening of mitochondrial function in stem cells, better metabolize nutrients to keep cells alive, minimize acute, chronic arthritis.
  • Relieves soreness, joint fatigue and regenerates joint mobility
  • Continuous proliferation of stem cells ensures long-term cervical vertebral protection
  • Stimulates blood regeneration, gives oxygen to nourish articular cartilage cells

Differences when treating cervical spondylosis with stem cells at European Wellness Hospital Vietnam

European Wellness is a European corporation specializing in the research and application of biomedical technology in the care and improvement of comprehensive health. Currently, European Wellness has a footprint in 25 countries around the world with a network of strategic partners across 5 continents and tens of thousands of satisfied customers. Vietnam is proud to be the 26th official member of the European Wellness system worldwide.

To overcome and treat the bad changes of degenerative diseases, European Wellness offers solutions to treat diseases related to bones and joints, especially cervical spondylosis with stem cell technology from Europe. With stem cells, patients will limit the side effects from other traditional methods such as surgery, drugs or massage, massage …

European Wellness Vietnam helps people understand the body and choose the correct treatment with modern technology, thereby approaching and protecting their health in the most proactive way. European Wellness Vietnam is the exclusive owner of a comprehensive – intensive – detailed health model with an exclusive 4-step regimen of European medical standards:

  • Step 1: Diagnosis
  • Step 2: Detoxification
  • Step 3: Repair
  • Step 4: Rejuvenate
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European Wellness uses cell therapy for cervical spondylosis

With production processes complying with high safety standards, fulfilling commitments on quality assurance, laboratory systems meeting GMP WHO standards are the key reasons why European Wellness Vietnam and cell therapy are always leading in the No. 1 position in spinal degeneration treatment today.

With cutting-edge technology from Europe, the proprietary cell therapy at European Wellness has ushered in a new era in treatment and healthcare. With continuous efforts, bringing the quintessence of medicine from leading European corporations to Vietnam, European Wellness promises to become a solid fulcrum in protecting you and your family against the harshness of time, bringing a proactive and intensive health care system to people.

If you have any questions about the application of treatment, please call hotline 028 6292 8888 to register for a direct consultation with a team of experts from the health care system from Europe.

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