Stem cells – “Treasure” inside each of us

As an inevitable rule of life, people are forced to face birth, old age, illness, and death. We cannot go back in time, but thanks to the advancement of modern medicine, people can completely change the effect of age on the body. Stem cells, when discovered, have revealed great potential for regenerative medicine. Following the quintessence of regenerative medicine, European Wellness Vietnam is proud to become the 26th member of Europe’s leading comprehensive health care system from the European Wellness brand. By applying cell therapy to comprehensive treatment, anti-aging, aesthetics and supporting the treatment of common diseases, European Wellness Vietnam promises to become a “blanket” to protect your health. and family health proactively before age comes.

What are stem cells?

Stem cells are special cells, which always exist throughout the life of each person, have the ability to proliferate and transform into functional cells in the body.

Stem cells have 3 outstanding characteristics:

  • Self-targeting ability: Stem cells have the ability to find the right injury site to activate the regenerative and healing function.
  • Self-renewal: Stem cells have the ability to multiply themselves countless times while retaining their original characteristics. Therefore, in each person’s body, from birth to old age, stem cells always renew themselves to serve the body’s continuous regeneration process.

Differentiation ability: When tissues and signaling organs are missing or damaged, stem cells will be activated and transformed into many different types of cells with different functions such as skin and bone cells. , heart … Regenerating, compensating the areas of tissue deficiency, aging.


These stem cells have the ability to change into specialized cells

Application potential of stem cells

Today with the advancement of science, regenerative medicine is flourishing to exploit its inherent potential. European Wellness, with a team of experts, is analyzing and uncovering the mysterious possibilities of this regenerative medicine.

  • Medicine

Stem cell therapy has promise in the office. It treats more than 80 common or incurable diseases such as cancer, conflict, diabetes, lung disease, heart disease, kidney dysfunction, cirrhosis, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy, hemiplegia, autism, …

Another practical application of stem cells today is the application of autologous adipose tissue stem cells in treating and rehabilitating patients with knee joint disease, most commonly knee common infection. Stem cell therapy improves the cure for this condition thanks to its ability to regenerate cells, be anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, restore comprehensive health, and enhance the quality of life for millions of patients.

The current application of stem cells in applied medicine in Vietnam is not shared. With the strength of technology, process, and cell therapy from Europe, European Wellness Vietnam helps people eliminate the sadness and pain about treating diseases in general and physical conditions—JCell therapy scores the damage to the articular system with a safe, non-surgical, non-surgical process. It does not take downtime, affecting work and quality of life—joints, in particular.

  • Protective room and the aging process

Aging is the cause of the loss of the body’s ability to produce its cells. Stem cells are the factors that help restore inherent functions as well as regenerate damaged cells caused by aging, helping to prolong life, health, and complete happiness.

Stem cells that can multiply continuously and differentiate into any cell in the body are the golden solution to help you proactively prevent and reverse the signs of aging. Its magic lies in stabilizing hormones, restoring vitality, enhancing male strength, and improving problems such as hot flashes, insomnia, stress, hair loss, weight gain, and relief. Solve the problem of vaginal dryness and physiological decline, and help the skin become smoother and more youthful. European Wellness will help you realize your dream of owning a healthy body inside, radiant on the outside. Stem Cells Awaken the Miracle of Regeneration

  • Beauty

Stem cell aesthetics is essentially mobilizing stem cells’ self-healing and regenerative mechanism to revive the skin’s youthfulness, increase the proliferation of collagen and elastin naturally, and super-rejuvenate the skin By removing spots and freckles. Stem cell therapy inhibits the formation of pigments that cause skin damage, improves wrinkles and fine lines, brings a shiny, wrinkled face, and realizes the dream of owning a look ageless.

With the fantastic regenerative potential of stem cells, skin rejuvenation at European Wellness is no longer something we go after to solve symptoms. Stem cell medical aesthetics helps us stay ahead and anticipate and prevent aging. With this feature, no method or skin rejuvenation product can be done.

Experience cell therapy at European Wellness

European Wellness is a “cradle” for providing and developing comprehensive healthcare services based on Europe’s leading regenerative medicine and cell therapy materials.

European Wellness has set its footprint in 25 countries worldwide with a comprehensive and proactive healthcare model. Vietnam is proud to be the 26th official European Wellness medical center system member worldwide. As part of a global chain of comprehensive healthcare systems, European Wellness pioneers in bringing stem cell technology to Vietnamese people’s healthcare with the following services: Stem cells support disease treatment Move the root table settings Skin aesthetic stem cells To provide the Vietnamese with a comprehensive health care system, we help people understand their bodies and choose the correct treatment method using modern technology, thereby closeness and protection. Ensure health most proactively before old age comes.

This is a high-end health regeneration “program” from Europe, which is multidimensional and holistic. European health. This is a high-end health regeneration “program” from Europe, which is multidimensional and holistic. Through the analysis of medical data and advanced proprietary technology equipment based on regenerative medicine components, doctors and specialized teams have created the exclusive 4-step treatment regimen in Vietnam. At each stage, we provide care and treatment according to the individual needs of each customer to bring the best efficiency and quality.

  • Step 1: Diagnosis
  • Step 2: Detoxification
  • Step 3: Repair
  • Step 4: Rejuvenate

Because we understand that health is inherently a “precious asset” of a person, from the beginning, the services at European Wellness are designed based on the orientation of “prevention is better than cure.” The subject of your life is yourself. As for European Wellness, we bring diagnostics and tests to patients with the opportunity to monitor the disease early. We want you and your loved ones to have access to a visual method to monitor the right illness, get the proper treatment, and limit dangerous, fatal complications. All technologies European Wellness uses are those transferred from Europe, including LAB systems, modern machines, and treatment processes that meet double standards of safety and commitment to good results. . best. With constant efforts from the medical elite from Europe’s leading corporation to Vietnam, European Wellness dating will become a sure fulcrum to bring comprehensive solutions in protecting you and your family from harm—the Harshness of the times, towards a proactive – intensive healthcare system for the people.

European Wellness’ achievements with stem cells around the world

European Wellness Group is a European pioneer in anti-aging and biological regeneration technology, using cell therapy as the center of holistic health improvement. Still, a fundamental research, discovery, and invention project contributed to excellent leading in regenerative medicine, promoting aging. It is no coincidence that European Wellness has become a strategic partner of the European Society of Preventive, Regenerative, and Anti-Aging Medicine (ESAAM). In 2020, the European Wellness Group was proud to win the prestigious award The BrandLaureate (Malaysia). With the dedication of a team of researchers and co-founders, European Wellness has once again created a buzz when continuously bringing back awards, including:

  • Best Brand Leader
  • Innovation Award for Healthcare Premium Therapy
  • Award for stem cell research that regenerates biology and reverses aging
  • Award for an iconic brand in the electronic environment (e-Branding) for the period 2020/2021
  • ASEAN Excellence Comprehensive Health Award 2022

One of the most prestigious economic forums in the Asia-Pacific region also acknowledges the dedication and significant contribution of the founder of European Wellness with the Outstanding Young Entrepreneur Award and the Lifetime Finished Product Award as well. in 2020. After decades of operation, the European Wellness Group has expanded and developed models of scientific and technical centers, biological production research centers, healthcare centers, and product distribution departments. Mcell. Medical products.

The group owns a network of more than 30 international-standard hospitals, medical centers specializing in regenerative biology, and high-class health rehabilitation – body rejuvenation centers worldwide. Until now, European Wellness confidently steps into Vietnam after the brand has been present in over 25 countries.

Laboratory meets GMP – WHO standards

Aiming to bring modern and advanced technologies of international standards, European Wellness has invested and built a LAB room system according to GMP standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO). In which, the criteria are answered including facilities, control of the working environment, human resources, control of the collection, handling, culture, storage, handling and preservation processes and the application of medical technology. stem cells. Because European Wellness always understands that to have the best stem cell therapy, it is necessary to have the best quality stem cells.

Stem-cells-are stored-in-a-severely-sterile-environment

Stem cells are stored in a severely sterile environment

Finished treatment products for European Wellness customers in Vietnam

The center of healthcare expertise and conquering millions of customers worldwide, European Wellness offers cell therapy healthcare solutions based on the quintessence of Europe’s leading regenerative medicine. Europe. All modern technologies and cell therapies are being implemented at European Wellness Vietnam with the goal of giving people the opportunity to have access to the world’s best medical products, made by a team of highly qualified and ethical doctors. Here, customers can monitor their vision and comprehensive health care in a world-class space, facilities and control processes pass the strict inspection of European standard CPD.

The existence of stem cell therapy is the “powerful panacea” that caused Mr. Fiorenzo Nisi’s persistent urticaria fever to be clearly improved. He felt that his body was in a state of perfect health when the bone problems at the age of 62 and the infection that manifested his nature disappeared thanks to cell therapy. Miss Arianna Teoh felt extremely happy at the age of 40 when she had perfect skin thanks to the “power” that stem cells bring.

Hearing about regenerative medicine, people often do not have the ability to repair, restore and regenerate it. However, when your skin is aging, the bones that fit together in the body are damaged, even reflexive, then methods such as using drugs, using plasters, orthopedic surgery or injecting Hyaluronic Acid These are only temporary pain relief methods that do not have a long-term recovery effect. Currently, the application of stem cell therapy to disease treatment, bone regeneration and aging skin recovery has been strongly developed in European countries. And this is considered to be the greatest scientific medical achievement, just like in the early days when antibiotics were born.

Stem cell therapy at European Wellness Vietnam hopes to reduce the risk of dangerous diseases such as cancer, molting complications, blood fat, heart muscle thrombosis, parkinson’s disease, Arthritis, arthritis and joint. Various senile diseases are caused by the aging mechanism. Health care, muscle recovery, skin rejuvenation with the process of combining modern and most advanced technology is one of the latest exclusive solutions that are certified to be safe and effective at European Wellness Vietnam.

Developed on the basis of regenerative medicine ingredients and a team of medical professionals with more than 20 years of experience, European Wellness understands the value and potential of cell therapy to combine with the process, technology Modern technology The goal is to provide early diagnosis, proactive, comprehensive and targeted treatment for the Vietnamese people.

European Wellness Vietnam is proud to apply European quality technological solutions and processes to treatment to prevent diseases and the aging process inside the body in the most comprehensive way. With the strength of owning exclusive stem cell therapy and well-invested and continuously upgraded medical potential, European Wellness Vietnam is always ready to accompany and help Vietnamese people protect their health in a proactive manner. action and COMPREHENSION.

If you have any questions about the treatment application, please contact the hotline 028 6292 8888 to register for a one-on-one consultation with a team of experts from the European healthcare system.

Find out the success story from European Wellness brand brought to customers in Vietnam, please refer to the challenge LINK